Saturday, March 26, 2011

Super frustrated

with my own body.

Here I am posting about this success that I've had with working out, and all of a sudden my left foot is pissed at me. I thought it was from where I stepped on one of Steven's toys the other night.

Thursday when I was running it started to bug me along the ball of my left foot for like the last 5 minutes or so of my run... Friday, I tried to run and it was sore enough that I decided to use the Elliptical (which I haven't used in over a month). Today I was pumped when I got to the gym. I was motivated and I was going to do my run/squat intervals!!! Then I got to the gym and because of the gloominess outside it was packed and at first there weren't any treadmills or ellipticals open so I got on the bike for a bit (1.5 miles until a treadmill opened up)

I jumped on that treadmill (one of the two that I favor) and started my 7 mph, 1/2 a mile run... Not even 0.2 miles into it and my foot hurt so bad that I seriously wanted to punch something. Slowed it down to a crazy easy walk, and still it hurt so much that I gave up.

I Gave Up!

Ugh, beyond frustrated right now. I stopped being that person, the one who gives up when things get a bit tough - but at the same time I know that if I did damage to my foot I don't want to make it any worse so that my recovery time is any longer than it has to be.

I got back on the bike and did another 3.5 miles, but I hate the bike... I loath the bike... So I just said F* it and got off. I did my stretches, talked with Victor, did my core work, talked with Bill, did my squats, talked with Lisa, did my leg weights and finished it up with a chat with Corie... To say I kind of lost my motivation today is kind of an understatement. I made myself finish out my workout because I was there but I was beyond not feeling it by the time I got done.

I know we all have our off days... Today was seriously an off day for me... I'm hoping that if I rest my foot for today, and Sunday that things will be better by Monday. There isn't any visible bruising, no swelling from what I can tell, I can walk on it for the most part (only occasionally do I feel a twinge). I'll use my arnica, do hot and cold hydrotherapy treatments, and try and keep it elevated when I can...

Fingers crossed that a trip to the Dr is not in my immediate future. Here goes nothing!


  1. Oh man :( I know how you feel. I am extremely limited to what exercises I can do and I can't run at all because of a bad tailbone/hips/lower back (all from being pregnant). It's frustrating to want to do something so bad but not physically able to do it. Hang in there, hopefully some rest will help it! If not, definitely get it checked out..i'll be thinking of you!! :)

  2. Ouch! I hope it's nothing serious. Sending get well foot vibes!

  3. Taking it easy when you're going strong is frustrating. But take it easy for a bit and then jump right back in! - Sierra

  4. "but at the same time I know that if I did damage to my foot I don't want to make it any worse so that my recovery time is any longer than it has to be."

    Things like injury aren't an excuse, they're a reason. You know you're going to get right back into it as soon as your foot feels better. Just don't beat yourself up for trying to keep yourself from being in pain! (Because that would be, you know, counterproductive, har har har)
