So I obviously took a break from my blog for quite some time, kept thinking about getting back to writing but I let myself get caught up in daily life and just got lazy on this.
So here's my first post of 2012, I make no promises of keeping this up-to-date but to do this when I need to and when I have time.
I can't even begin to catch up everything that happened since my last post in June after the TM. I kept working out diligently, but got kind of lax on my diet... Justified it as "I'm working out everyday, its ok if I cheat every once and a while" but that every once and a while became pretty regular.
Nothing horrific happened, but I did gain back about 10 of the 50 pounds I had managed to loose. About a month before the Marine Corps Birthday Ball, which Matthew's unit was having theirs in Las Vegas this year, I mentioned to my girlfriend, Alyx who is a personal trianer, that I wasn't really happy with what I'd let myself do. She then put together and absolute torturous workout and eating program and I stuck to it.
One month later I'd lost the 10 pounds, and 5% body fat!
I feel amazing! For the most part I've kept it off, fluctuating a bit back and forth because of the holidays - my inner fat-kid totally ran the show for a couple of days right around Christmas.
I know I've talked to a lot of people about running the TM again this year. They are doing 2 races in SoCal this year, one the first part of Feb and the second in June/July time frame (I don't remember for sure at the moment). I've been planning on doing both, but lately haven't been doing as much running as I should, and definitely none of it outside to prep for a 10+ mile run with obstacles. I'm not sure if I'll be doing the Feb TM... I haven't registered for it, so I'd be paying for race day walk on (Think $150 for the pleasure of torturing myself) and seeing as I'm in the middle of a week of little to no working out, I'm currently visiting my dad and step-mom in NM with Steven... I'm just not feeling very motivated to go out and kill myself on something that I haven't really been training for.
So at the moment a lot of things are up in the air. I might run 1 or 2 TM's this year (not even considering NorCal at the moment) I might do a BodyFit Bikini competition (figured why not do it now, seeing as at 26 I'm in the best shape I've ever been in my life) and other than that I'm not sure.
So much is running around my head at the moment, I can't begin to sort it out enough to make sense in a post...
I hope everyone is having a good start to the new year, and I'll do my best to be better at posting (if for no other reason than it seems to help me and my thought process)
Good job!
ReplyDeleteLove you!
Zori, you're amazing. I wish I had the iron fist of willpower you have!