I wore it last Friday on my early day to the gym, the 5 am crew definitely got more of a giggle out of it. Maybe its because no one was awake enough yet to be offended by it, or maybe its because they seem to be a group of people who are more dedicated to their workouts (they are there at 5am).
And most people today didn't say anything about it, but I had two older gentlemen comment on it. One I consider a friend, and he just thought it wasn't something that I should be wearing that I was "Better than a shirt like that, and I need to keep my husband's career in mind.". To him I said thank you, and that I'd take that into consideration. The other guy though... He was a bit more in my face, and definitely got my Irish up.
I didn't even realize that anyone had an issue with my shirt until one of the guys who works there came up and made a point of reading my shirt while I was in the middle of my set of seated rows. He just said, "Oh, thats what the old fart meant." and moved on. Next thing I know I've got this guy in my face.
Telling me that "I'm what's wrong with society today. Pushing these words in people's faces. Not caring about how they may feel about profanity. That it isn't just confined to the gym, and around the community, but that it carries up and into our politics and governing forces." And blah, blah, blah (honestly at some point I tuned him out) I thanked him for his opinion, and that he had the right to it, but that it was my shirt and I could choose to wear it if I wanted to.
This was done after deep breathing and counting to 10 in my head :)
What I wanted to do was tell him to shove it. That if he couldn't fucking appreciate a little bit of fucking humor on a damn t-shirt then he was a douche-bag of the Nth degree and needed to go crawl into a little tiny black hole with his lack of fucking humor.
I really truly have no respect for people who feel like they need to preach, and every instinct I had was screaming at me to poke fun at this poor, obviously unhappy, old man.
I wanted to ask him if he believed in God, or prayer in schools, or if it was alright to say "Gosh-darn!" in public... Mainly because I wanted to go into antagonistic mode and just poke him with a stick - even if it was me going against something I believed just because I found it rude the way that he chose to speak to me.
Obviously I didn't do any of these things, and most of them popped into mind after I was done with him.
Other people in the gym saw/overheard it and came up to tell me they thought the shirt was funny. And people that know my story, know how much I've done on my own through blood, sweat, and tears think that its an appropriate shirt.
If I've offended you with this post, or with the t-shirt... I'm not really sorry. I've spent too much of my life censoring what I do/say because it "might offend someone". I'm not going to go out of my way to be shocking, but I'm not going to NOT wear a T-shirt because someone's feelings might get hurt...
Love to you all, I'm going to go enjoy a nice steak before heading off to work tonight :)
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