But this is hard.
Not only do I have to be responsible for myself, but I've got a 4 year old and all the baggage that goes along with that.
Do you know how hard, extra hard, it is to follow a diet(strict at that) when you've got a kiddo and all their snacks just chilling around the house? Not only am I talking about the goldfish, of which I'm a sucker for, but then you've got fruit-snacks, granola bars, cookies, candy (very little but there are a few pieces floating around our house) but lunch time stuff... PEANUT BUTTER!!!!
OMG! Steven has been obsessed with PB&J's lately, but he doesn't eat the crust usually and as mommy its my job to finish his scraps so that we aren't throwing food away - or at least thats normally my job, but I can't indulge right now... :( I miss having more than my 1 tbsp of PB and fight the urge to lick clean the knife from the PB, and the spoon from the strawberry jam EVERYDAY...
Not only that but I'm trying my hardest to keep everything balanced these days - but when your spending roughly 2 hours a day in the gym it gets hard trying to keep the juggling act going... With lack of sleep (partly my fault), lack of food, and then extreme exercise I find myself dragging usually by mid-afternoon so I'm becoming used to caffeine again.
RockStar Zero Carbs to be exact.
YES! I know how awful it is for me. Yes I'm aware of the chemicals... Blah, blah, blah. Right now there are days where its the only thing that gets me through the day. I've been told I can have coffee, black, but seeing as its been over a year for coffee for me it kinda tastes AWFUL.
Back to the kid situation.
I know I've got a short fuse lately, and I've been trying my best to stay on top of it. Talking with Steven more, trying to get him to understand that mommy doesn't have much in the way of patience at the moment and that I need him to listen to me the first time. Sometimes it works. Other times, not so much.
I'm not really sure where I'm going with this - I just had this thought earlier today that I needed to write it down. That doing a Body Competition is hard. Doing it with a kiddo for me is HARD!
But I love him, and I get excited when he tells me that he wants to be strong like Mommy. So I just need to keep that in mind the next time I'm loosing it when I'm having to ask him to pick up his toys for the 12th time that day :)
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