So I've committed. July 21st is my next NPC Bikini competition, and I'm running the Tough Mudder in the beginning of July (either the 8th or 9th not sure yet) with Alyx.
This past Saturday was exactly 8 weeks from the competition. I let myself have this holiday weekend to enjoy the last few treats that I get for a while, Saturday some heard me saying that it was my "last day" and I meant for it to be... But then I enjoyed breakfast on Sunday and then some chocolate at the beach with Alyx on Monday, and a s'mores bar with the next door neighbors that night before bed.
I'm not upset about it - just being honest that we all give in to temptation.
But today I hit the ground running, wicked workout and clean eating. I know that it will take me a couple of days to get back in the swing of super clean eating, I'll definitely be missing my "cheats", but once I'm in this and committed I'll buck up and buckle down.
Still considering going Vegetarian, Pescitarian, Vegan, not sure...
Clean is the main goal.
Organic, when it truly matters.
Local sustainable is the next.
I know in the long run I feel better the cleaner I eat. I sleep better, I don't feel sluggish mid-afternoon, and my outlook on life is just nicer.
I'm probably going to be whining a lot in the next few weeks - today proved just how much I haven't been pushing myself since the last competition. Not horrid, but definitely felt the workout sooner than I was used to.
Looking forward to this though - the joy of sweating myself silly, of seeing the daily progress, of knowing that I'm working at being the healthiest that I can be and doing it the right way. Lean proteins, veggies, some fruits. It all makes me happy :)
I'll start updating more regularly, posting the workouts, and trying to do upkeep photos. No photos this week, but hopefully I'll get some for you next week. Anyone what to join in on my workouts, or join me for runs let me know. I love to share what I've learned with others, I enjoy picking your brain, and having conversations about healthy lifestyles and choices that we've made. Blessings.
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