Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I've spent the last week going back and forth in my mind on whether or not I'm going to do this next competition...

Partly because of my own doubts, but also because I haven't gotten the support that I was hoping for from a few key individuals.

And I remembered today as I was KILLING myself at the gym.

This isn't about anyone else, this is about me. Being able to be happy with myself. Not just physically but also mentally. I'm happiest with myself when I've got a goal that I'm working towards.

It was nice giving myself a kick in the mental butt. So I'm committing to it. I need to push myself to meet my goals. No more "sure I can have an extra piece of whatever" because even though normally it wouldn't affect me (enough to count) it does at the moment.

Today I commit to doing the next show June 9. Not a lot of time, a month, but I know I can buckle down and do it!

Now time to break out the heels and start practicing my posing :)


  1. Hey, I just randomly found your blog when searching for bikini competitors. I'm also a mom who just got into the NPC shows. I think you look GREAT and you should go for it! I get a lot of grief from people with my goals, so I know how you feel about a lack of support! But this is about you and your own mind, and it looks to me (after reviewing your before and after pics) that you are a pretty intense person with enough steam to roll right through. Good luck, and have fun!
