Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I keep meaning to get on here and write a new post. I sit around thinking about it, planning it out in my head, turning phrases, coming up with interesting visuals and then it just doesn't get written...

So much has been going on since my last post.

Today, well today just started out quiet with Steven. I've been waiting for the flea bomber to come, and skipped my workout... Obviously they aren't going to be here today.

This then turned into a mini shit storm on my facebook page. Bad taste, crude humor, offensive... Yes the post contained all of those things.

I'm not proud of it, but sometimes I do react negatively to the trainwrecks that I witness around me. We all have reactions to certain bodytypes, socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic/race/creed/color... Whatever, we do.

Not one single one of us is perfect.

Take a look at yourself, have you ever laughed (in a dark humor sort of way) at someone/something you saw. And you KNOW that if there were certain people around you that you would either NOT laugh or you would feel mortified that they witnessed you laughing.

So sue me I'm human.

If something I post, or one of my friends posts offends you - I'm not sure how sorry I really am. We can't always be PC, its not realistic. BUT I can ask that you address me privately. I make a point of not posting things on others walls/pages that would start a shit-storm. I dislike airing anything personal, in terms of calling others out, in the public forum. If you choose to do so, I don't care how good of friends or casual of acquaintances we are - I will delete the post from my page.

This is my little post for today, now I'm going to go back to the couch and cuddle with my little man to remind me that today, no matter the mild shit-storm that I just endured, is all worth it.

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