Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I should probably put some of my background out there - and along with it the reasons why I've decided to take up blogging again. I'm currently 25 years old, have an almost 3 year old, and have been married for almost 5 years.

Currently I'm in the best shape that I have EVER been in my life, thats not me bragging but just stating a fact. I started this journey of trying to find myself, and find happiness within myself in '09. It was an off and on again process for a long time. I signed up at the local gym and was pretty good for a couple of months, and then I lost my drive... A couple of months went by and my neighbor and I decided to be each other's gym buddies right before the New Year. At the same time I'd decided to go back to school to become a Massage Therapist.

When I started this journey in July of '09 I was the heaviest I'd ever been, other than being pregnant. 188 pounds, a size 14, on my not quite 5'10" frame. Yes I wasn't morbidly obese but on someone who as a teen had battled with eating disorders it was awful... I couldn't look at myself naked in the mirror. My sex drive had nose-dived because I didn't want my husband to see me naked... Basically I hated myself, everything in my wardrobe and everything I'd allowed myself to become.

These are a couple of before pictures, they were taken in January 2009, but I was the same size in July when I decided to make a change in my life.

Today I weigh 136 pounds. Admittedly its less than what I was originally shooting for in my weight loss and I'm currently re-working my diet so that I can be sure that I'm gett
ing enough calories everyday to maintain my weight, and that enough of that is comprised of protein so that I can continue to build muscle.

I took these today after I came home from the gym. 3/23/2011

None of this happened quickly - I had someone tell me at the gym the other day that I was lucky to not know what it was like to be overweight - and I thanked them for the compliment but then went on to explain that just over a year ago I had been 50+ p
ounds heavier than I am now.

This isn't meant to be a place for me to come brag, but a place for me to be able to share my story and my thoughts... I know I post on FB my daily workouts, and new pictures of me but I also realize that there are a lot of people who don't want to read about what I've accomplished and I understand that so thats why I'm coming here - to hopefully have a safe place to talk about the things that I'd like to share.

I'm rambling at this point, so I think I'll end this post here and come back when my mind is a little bit more focused.


  1. Zori, you are such an inspiration. You look amazing! I loved reading your blog ! I hope I can get my body back like you did! Hard work does pay off, so proud of you! I was 195 when I delivered my second son, I am now 136 and have ten lbs to go before I'm back to my pre pregnancy weight! Thank you for posting its nice know how other mothers feel! And yes the word I'm going crazy goes through my head at least once a day love my kids to pieces . But we also need mom alone time, a time to breath and catch up with our thoughts. Once again thank you for posting and ps your family is beautiful! God bless Grab :)

  2. Lol, correction. Meant to say God bless, fran :)

  3. Wow are looking absolutely awseome. I love your abs and just everything. Please let me know what kind of diet you did....i am at 150 at the moment and i really want to loose weight. How often did you work out???

  4. Holy Crap Valzora!!! I've never seen you looking so good! You go girl, rock that bod! I'll have to check out those workouts you've posted on Facebook and grab some tips from ya!
    - Sierra

  5. What an inspiration Zori! Keep up the great work!!
