Thursday, April 12, 2012

Its late

And I'm tired.

Today has been crazy. Gym, home and shower and throw some tuna in my face, then off to get eyelash extensions, eyebrow wax, spray tan, back to eyelashes to finish, and then home to cook dinner, do laundry, and finish up mailers for DrS.


I've wanted to write updates all week, but with everything going on I just haven't carved out the time to do so. People have been asking me through this whole process how can I do it? How can I survive on so little caloric intake, and huge crazy workouts - honestly until this week I haven't felt drained or exhausted for the most part. I have my cranky/moody/bitchy moments but nothing down and out drained.

Until now.

With the crazy up my water intake, and then drop it back down along with cutting calories to get every last little bit of definition to pop its insane.

I'd planned to try and do photos everyday this week to chart this last weeks progress, that did NOT happen :) Both Alyx and I were crazy busy and it just fell to the side.

My emotions and thoughts are super mixed and jumbled. I'm happy/scared/nervous/pumped all rolled into one. I'll have a "Yes! Its almost here!" moment, and then a "Oh shit! I'm gonna be on stage in X number of hours!!!" moment.

I'm sitting here right now and its just after 10 pm Thursday night. I have tomorrow to workout, and run a few last minute errands and get my stuff together, then Alyx and I are driving up for the Pre-Competition meeting tomorrow evening. Afterwards we are driving back so that Alyx can PAINT ME.

Yep, I said Paint me. With this stuff called Pro-Tan.

I'm about to get my Costa Rican on! :)

Then we'll sleep for a few hours, hopefully, and drive back up Saturday morning.

I'm nervous as all get out, haven't spent enough time practicing on my heels, or my poses. I don't know if I'm peppy enough to pull this off - I watch videos of girls doing this on YouTube and they are all smily and crap. We know that I don't walk around this world with a shit-eating grin on my face. So Yeah I'm a bit nervous about that looking "fake" but hell most of me is going to be looking fake. Between the eyelashes, the tan, my hair, and my nails... So why not the smile too?! :)

Sorry, I'm rambling aren't I? This is what I mean, I'm having a hard time centering my thoughts. It happened while Christine was working on my lashes too - I was laying there for the better part of 2 hours (all said and done, though I did have 2 different time slots) and my thoughts kept bouncing around... Usually I can lay there and we either chat, or I just zone - today I just couldn't get there.

I don't really know if any of this is making sense at the moment. I need to get Steven fed, he fell asleep on the couch at 6:30 and of course just woke up demanding food. And now I need to try and get him to go back to bed. If I have time I'll try and do another post tomorrow, or maybe Saturday morning before we head out (I have a feeling I wont be sleeping much.) And I promise to let everyone, whoever you all are, know how this adventure/experiment turns out :)

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