Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Halfway through

I'm at the halfway point of my 4 week low-carb challenge... And honestly I don't want to weigh or tape myself today, because I was bad this past weekend...

Actually I was bad on Thursday when Cody and Heather were here, we went and got Selma's Chicago style deep dish pizza for dinner with them... Then Friday night after Matthew went to bed I gave in to my inner fat-girl and popped a bag of Movie Style butter popcorn and ate the WHOLE bag by myself (my body hated me the next day at the gym for that one).

Saturday I was actually good, mainly because I knew the next day we were going to be having cupcakes for Steven's birthday and there was going to be no way that I passed up a Albertson's store bought, cupcake badness with that oh-so-fake icing. I had one on Sunday at Jump'n Jammin, and then another half of one that night when we gave Steven his second with a lit candle...

Right at this moment there are 2 cupcakes left, sitting in my kitchen, taunting me every time I walk past them...

The last two days have been torture, all I want is carb badness... Like spaghetti with a huge hunk of garlic bread... Or a burger on a big crusty bun... Chocolate... mmmm, cookies - really who doesn't love a fresh baked soft cookie with chocolate chunks in it?!?

I've been trying to substitute natural sweetness to curb my cravings, fresh strawberries from the market, apples, and oranges... And while they taste amazing - none of them are curbing my urges. And then the urge for salty hits, and all I want is potato chips, or french fries... Chili cheese fries... Those sound heavenly right now...

I know this is something that I've done to myself, and honestly I could break it - but I also feel like I've made it halfway... I know I can finish it, but right now I want to give up! Its not just the low-carb bit, but I just want to be bad for a day... But being bad for a day, effects more than just one day. It undoes so much work that I've done...

Usually I don't feel guilty if I'm craving something like a burger, I'll go to Carl's Jr and get one... But for some reason right now the idea of giving in to my cravings, my urges, just seems to be completely unproductive.

I know I'm rambling at this point - mainly because I'm lost in thought of the things that I really want to be eating at the moment.

Maybe later tonight I'll get up the courage to tape myself, and get my measurements... If I do, and I'm feeling brave enough I'll post them here. Have a good one. Pura vida my friends.

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